National Brokers Network

How To Start Your Side Business While Maintaining Your Career


The dream of leaving behind your desk job for your own business is always a tempting thought. However, it’s not the most practical idea especially when it’s a small startup that will take time to reach stability and profitability. 

Ambitiousness is a great characteristic, unfortunately it’s not enough to get you moving forward. The key to a smooth transition is to hold onto your day job until you reach a point in your entrepreneurship where you can quit and be comfortable enough with what you are making without the security of a fixed salary. 

Maintain your career while starting your own business with these helpful tips. 

1. Ask yourself WHY you are doing it.

The first and most important question you must ask yourself is why you are doing it. What is your motivation behind the business? Are you being motivated by time, money, creative freedom? When you know clearly what drives you, you will have all the reason you need to stay on track and to keep going. 

2. Make a commitment.

Wanting your own business and actually committing to it are two very different things. If you really want to succeed, you need to commit to your dream and give your 101 percent. When you are committed, every obstacle will be a chance to find solutions instead of reasons to quit. 

3. Create a vision.

Think ahead and picture your business a year from now; imagine where you would like it to be and write your vision down. Be specific and write down in great detail what you want to achieve, who your clients and partners will be, what products or services you will offer, and how much you will be making when that time comes.

Focusing on your vision and your desired end result will keep you motivated and inspired to make the right choices for your business. 

4. Do your research.

Follow the pursuit of learning and do your research into all aspects relevant to your business. 

The Internet is a great resource you can use as a tool to aid you in building a successful brand. Attend seminars, take courses, find a mentor, and do whatever it takes to learn as much as you can so that it transforms you into an expert in your chosen field. The more secured you are in your knowledge and expertise, the more confident you will be to face the challenges that will come your way.

5. Stay positive.

Don’t neglect your day job. Think about everything that makes you happy there – whether it’s your colleagues, your working hours, holidays off, or even just that comfortable chair and good cup of coffee – draw strength and motivation from it so that you can focus on the good things and keep a positive attitude not just at work, but in business and at home. There is no room for negative thoughts in a project as big as yours, so stay optimistic and keep the fire burning.

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In Consideration of the Vendor of the subject business, or any other business introduced to the Proposed Purchaser and their agent National Brokers Network (“the agent”) providing information to the Prospective Purchaser, the Prospective Purchaser agrees:

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3. That it will not use for themselves. Or for others benefit, such information other than to Purchase the subject business or other business introduced by the Agent;
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7. If the Prospective Purchaser breaches this agreement or buys the business direct from the Vendor, the Prospective purchaser is liable to and indemnifies the Agent for any and all losses the agent may incur including economic loss and loss of income.v

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