National Brokers Network

What College Undergraduates Must Know in Business and Career

Remember when you’re in your first year of college and you said to yourself, “Man, I can’t wait to get this over with and start working and get rich.”

Well, it turns out that it doesn’t work that way. Finishing college is just the beginning of a long and arduous journey and there’s a lot it takes to have at least a semblance of success. But fret not, it’s not really impossible, you just have to know what you need to do.

We can’t tell you everything there is that you need to know, but we have some practical tips that trying hard adults like us have been doing for years!


1. Look the Part

It’s almost a cliché by now, but when you want to make it in the so-called “real-world,” you have to look the part.

One way you can start is by the way you dress. Back in college, a pair of comfortable running shoes, some good ol’ jeans and a sweater are enough to go around, but in the work place, if you want people to respect you, you have to dress better than that.

Unless you’re working in an office with a relaxed dress code, it’s often best to wear at least a “smart casual” attire. For men, a decent pair of chinos, a crisp shirt combined with some smart-looking shoes is best.

For the ladies, wear an appropriate dress or a shirt and skirt combo, paired with some slick looking heels…or flats – if you can pull it off or go the Hilary Clinton route and wear a pants suit!


2. No More Nappy Times

Before, during class breaks, you can just head on to your dorm for some afternoon nap, but in the workplace, stealing a nap can be hard to come by.

After the morning rush of work tires you, you cannot rest so grab another cup of coffee because it’s going to be a long day.


3. Work Hard and Work Smart

Sometimes, working hard is not enough. There are times you have to work smart. Look, we’re not saying that you should be like Einstein, but what we mean is that you have to work hard in an efficient manner.

Know which tasks require more attention and know what jobs are worth the hard work. Also, listen to mentors and research about your job. Having extra knowledge is always an advantage.


4. Look For Some Money on The Side

We’re not implying that you steal from your company. What we mean is that if you can, do some freelance work that can get you some extra cash.

Gone are the days that a single entry-level job is enough to afford you a decent living. It’s time to gird your loins and drink the coffee because you got to WORK. WORK. WORK.


5. Manage Your Funds

Remember that now that you’re working, every expense will be charged to YOUR MONEY. Sure, your parents can help you every now and then, but since you are now a functioning human adult, you have to spend your own money.

Spending money is easy, managing it? Not so much. So before you’re tempted to buy another pair of shoes, remember: Do you want those shoes or a decent meal?

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