National Brokers Network

Romance and Real Estate Transform your home into a romantic retreat in time for Valentines Day

Valentine’s Day is upon us once more and if you have plans of making it a dinner date for two at home you better get started on turning your home into a romantic retreat in time for the occasion.

romantic room

Whether you’re looking to have a nice and relaxing retreat, or an intimate romantic evening, you need to set the tone beforehand. Here’s how to bring sexy back into your property.

Clean it out 

Clutter can easily kill the mood at home. Get rid of all the mess by identifying things that are no longer needed, such as those old clothes you haven’t worn in over a year. The same goes for magazines, home decorations, and any other item you no longer have a use for. Apart from giving your home a more clutter-free and clean look, de-cluttering also helps prevent health problems such as asthma, allergies, depression, and even sleeping issues. 

Air it out 

Once you’re done decreasing the amount of clutter you have lying around the house, now’s the time to sweeten the air indoors. Change the curtains, dust out the shelves, and open those windows. Open kitchen cabinets and get rid of any old and musty odours you have going in there by putting soy-based candles in them. 

Clean the floors and add a touch of lemon to your mop water to leave a citrusy aroma in the air. There are also a lot of environmentally-friendly products you can use to keep everything clean and sanitised without having to use harmful chemicals. Consider it your own fragrance makeover project at home. 

Dress it up 

And we don’t mean just the bedroom. If you really want to get that whole sexy thing going inside your house, you need to cover all spaces – including the kitchen. Remove old receipts from your refrigerator door and put postcards or memorable photos in their place. Remove the kids’ toys from the living room floor and place candles on the center and side tables. Make sure the bathrooms have scented candles as well. Finally, proceed to the bedroom and change the covers with your fanciest, coziest sheets. 

On the day (or night) itself, leave the kids with their grandparents, go home and get some romantic music going, make sure the wine is perfectly chilled, and get those champagne flutes ready. Don’t forget to add a personal touch to everything you do to make the night feel even more special and filled with love.   

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