National Brokers Network

How to Stage a Home Visit to Potential Buyers

home visit

If you are selling or are planning to sell your home, you need to stage it so that it becomes attractive to potential buyers – so much so that they can actually see themselves living in it and competing with our prospective buyers to make that dream a reality.

Consult a real estate broker Victoria for assistance with your sale. In the meantime, here are three Do-It-Yourself staging tips to help you get your home ready for an open house viewing.

Create a vision

Think about the best use for each room. Don’t be afraid to stage your existing rooms to serve an entirely different purpose compared to how you are using it now. Add furniture to make the visual more appealing. Contrary to what many people may think, leaving a room empty does not make it look bigger, but actually smaller.

Buyers want to be able to walk into a room and imagine placing their furniture in there. They want to be able to envision themselves moving in, and what better way to do that than to stage each room to look cosy and ready to move into.

Highlight your home’s features

When using furniture for staging, use modern pieces that are simple but stylish. These would be effective at highlighting the home’s features because they are not too outlandish as to take away attention from the structure itself. However, if you are showing an older house, ultra modern furniture will not fit the existing style.

Just remember, when staging a house for viewing, less is more. Your goal is to use furniture to highlight the home’s features, so do not use as many as you would if you were actually living there. For homeowners, this could mean decreasing the amount of furniture and putting them in storage (or in the new home) save for the ones that could help make an impact on the overall aesthetics of the property.

For positioning, “float” furniture by placing them off the walls, not touching the walls. This helps to create a flow and makes the space look bigger. All bar and/or dining tables must have stools and chairs to make them look inviting – allowing potential buyers to envision themselves entertaining guests there. Finally, make use of neutral-coloured pieces that will translate well on pictures. Chances are, there will be visitors who could be checking out the place for others; in which case, they will take photos of the property.

Maximise natural light

Don’t forget to clean the windows from the inside out to make them look brighter and to allow more natural light to come in. Clean window surfaces will attract positive attention and will show buyers that the house has been given careful attention and care.

National Brokers Network Business Brokers Victoria provides handy tips, advice and resources for homeowners in maintaining their homes and keeping their market values profitable. Are you looking for a home? Check out the list of residential properties up for sale or contact us below:

Telephone: 03 9226 9222


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