National Brokers Network

Home Improvement Tips to Help in Selling Your Home

home improvements 2022 selling your home for best value

home improvements 2022 selling your home for best value

The typical concern for a home seller is how long it will take before they have a buyer for their home, or even whether or not they’ll actually have a buyer. Another main concern is whether they’ll be able to sell their home at its set price or would have to settle for a lower one just to sell the property.

But this need not really be a worry, since there are actions we can take to raise our home’s attractiveness to buyers and make its selling price fair and justified enough to any buyer.

You may believe that the best way to raise your home’s value is to go on a large-scale remodeling project. But actually, this process not only puts a strain on the pockets; it doesn’t guarantee payback either. One reason is that prospective buyers may not even like your remodeled version since tastes differ from person to person. So, the best solution?

Go for low-cost home improvement! With a few tweaks here and there to make your property look fresh and well-maintained, you can perfectly seduce potential buyers without hurting your pockets.

Below are our best budget home improvement tips that can charm buyers into signing with you:

Impress from the Start:

Your home’s outer surroundings or landscape are the first thing buyers see when they visit your home. According to statistics, 71% of home buyers look at curb appeal when shopping for a home. Make sure your front lawn is inviting.

You can do this by:

  • Adding color with plants such as annuals, flowering shrubs or perennials.
  • Removing weeds from the yard. This includes maintaining your yard with watering and fertilizer to keep it as green as possible.
  • Mowing the lawn regularly.

You can even get the help of a landscaper to make your lawn neat & attractive, in addition to making a full yard cleanup. But bear in mind that high maintenance landscapes can turn off some buyers, so keeping your front lawn neat, attractive and low-maintenance is the real key.

Paint Your Walls:

Everyone loves a newly painted room! It gives buyers the impression of a new house, whether or not the house is actually new. At the least, buyers equate a freshly painted house with a well-maintained one.

Be sure to choose neutral and/or pastel colors. Studies show that rooms painted in shades of blue and light brown colours raised the value of a home by more than $1000!

Bathrooms & kitchens should be on top of the list for a paint job.

If your walls are in mint condition with just a few fingerprints or marks on them, a good washing may do the trick just fine.

Improve the Lighting:

Well-lit rooms are always more saleable, so be sure to replace dull lights around your home. You may consider such attractive light fixtures as a chandelier in the dining room too, for example. Another way to brighten up your home is by adding lamps and fixtures such as desk lamps, bedside lamps, cabinet lighting, accent lighting and tread lighting.

If you have showings during the daytime, be sure to open the curtains to allow natural light to brighten up the rooms.

Lastly, make sure that your lights are energy efficient. This is a criteria many buyers these days look for.

Kitchen Makeover:

The kitchen is the heart of every home, which is why it should be clean and appealing to buyers. The following low-cost upgrades should do the trick just fine:

Paint kitchen cabinets, baseboards and any area that looks like it needs a fresh coat of paint.

Remove personal photos, political or religious decor, or any memorabilia so buyers can easily envision their own lives in your home.

Replacing old kitchen appliances can give your kitchen an instant facelift.

Renew Your Flooring:

Flooring makes a big first impression as buyers enter your home. If your carpet is old or stained, you’ll need to hire a professional to clean it, or else replace it, because old & stained carpets are a big turn-off. You might consider getting wood or even faux wood flooring, since these tend to give out the image of sturdy, low-maintenance flooring and neat surroundings.


These simple tips will go a long way in selling your home faster and at a better value. At the same time, they’re so budget-friendly that you’ll be sure to get at least 100% return on your home improvement investment once your house has been sold!

To learn more or get professional assistance in selling your property, get in touch with National Brokers Network. Get our assistance to buy or sell homes and residential properties in Melbourne as well. The National Brokers Network has been serving Australians in all kinds of real estate needs for over 60 years. Get FREE professional advice on your property and a FREE updated appraisal to know your home’s market worth. Contact us today.


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Victoria 3059

Phone: 03 9226 9222



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