National Brokers Network

Get the Most of Your Marketing Budget with These Tips

How will your target market become aware that your business exists? There’s one perfect answer — marketing. New businesses should focus on marketing no matter what kind of business you are. Whether an online store or brick-and-mortar business, it’s a must for the world to know about you. Start in planning on spreading the word with these simple marketing ideas.


Idea #1: Take advantage of local listings

All thanks to the digital age, customers are exposed to the wonders of the Internet. They now rely on it when they’re searching for a business at the comfort of their homes or while on the go.

If you want your business to be found, better look at local listings, such as local business directories and even Google and Yellow pages. Google My Business is a great way to place your business on the map. It allows you to create a business profile, which will be directly linked to Google Maps. Now, customers will find it easier to locate you as they’ll see the business on Google Maps, along with your announcements, business hours, and reviews.


Idea #2: Encourage customers to share their feedback

Having positive reviews gives the business an advantage over competitors who don’t leverage trust badges. Customers take what they read on reviews seriously. They are always on the lookout for trust badges as it provides information on whether to visit your business or not.

So, always remember to ask customers to leave their feedback on the business and tell their side of the experience. Once there are many reviews posted, customers tend to believe the business or product is authentic.



Idea #3: Build a business website

But, not just any website. You should build a mobile-optimised website. Customers now search for information through their phones. It would be bad if they stumble across your business website and it’s not optimised for smaller screens. The clutter or even disoriented look will only destroy their experience.

Another great feature of websites is you can post relevant content on it, such blogs and even updates on your business. Through the power of search engine optimisation, your website could rank up until the first page of Google, boosting your visibility and presence.


Idea #4: Try Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing is the same as email marketing, but the messages go straight to your customers’ inboxes. A lot of experts recommend trying this strategy because it yields more open rates than email marketing.

However, you can’t just send text messages to every customer. It’s important to ask their permission before blasting promos or event announcements to their inboxes. Also, don’t abuse this strategy. There’s a thick line between informing people and annoying them. It’s important to properly monitor the texts you send to not abuse mobile marketing.


Idea #5: Don’t forget the traditional PR tactics

Behind the modern marketing strategies is the ever-reliable traditional PR tactics. Don’t forget the power of traditional PR tactics because it can also reach customers within or outside your local area. Press releases and interviews with the local media are great opportunities to showcase the business and spread its name.

So, as early as now, to develop a close relationship with the local media and build a network with other professionals to talk about your business. Contact these people when you have announcements or even new products and maybe you’ll end up to the local newspaper or news.

Whether starting a new business or buying an existing one, it’s important to come up with a marketing strategy that can put you on the map. Just like on how National Brokers Network market residential, commercial, and business listings on its website.

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In Consideration of the Vendor of the subject business, or any other business introduced to the Proposed Purchaser and their agent National Brokers Network (“the agent”) providing information to the Prospective Purchaser, the Prospective Purchaser agrees:

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7. If the Prospective Purchaser breaches this agreement or buys the business direct from the Vendor, the Prospective purchaser is liable to and indemnifies the Agent for any and all losses the agent may incur including economic loss and loss of income.v

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