National Brokers Network

10 ways to an organised life

organised life

If you are looking for ways to better organise your life at home and at work, you’ve come to the right place. There are many benefits to keeping your stuff organised and easy to reach – one of them is greater productivity.

Increase productivity, whether you’re taking on DIY work at home or conducting business in the office. Here are time-saving techniques for an organised lifestyle.

1. De-clutter

There is no room for excess in an organised life. Instead of holding on to things you no longer have use for, de-clutter your space from your closet down to your kitchen cabinet drawers. Trim it down to the essentials so you can easily find what you need instead of wasting time being unable to make a decision based on the multitude of options you have in front of you.

2. Keep a junk basket

Each day, you gradually develop an accumulation of junk, whether in the form of old bills, receipts, and even those flyers and brochures you usually leave scattered all around the house. Solve your clutter problem by keeping a junk basket where you can throw items you would normally just leave lying around.

3. Delegate

Keep your schedule organised by delegating tasks at work, and chores at home. Taking on too much will make it more and more difficult for you to keep up and to stay organised. Write assignment lists at home to help everyone participate in keeping the house neat and tidy.

4. Colour-code

Use your nail polish to colour-code your keys so you would never again have to fumble around in search of the right one. For your planner and/or calendar, use washi tape instead of highlighters to bring more colour and leave room for changes in your agenda.

5. Divide drawer space

Plastic dividers are available at local home supplies and DIY stores. You can also make your own divider using cardboard boxes cut up according to the dimensions of your drawers and the items you will be placing in the sectioned off spaces in your desk drawer, kitchen drawers, and even bathroom drawers. 

6. Use mason jars to organise kitchen/writing tools

We just can’t enough of mason jars. Not only are they nice to look at, they are also quite functional. Turn your old mason jars into beautiful organisers by painting them on the inside and placing a label using chalkboard stickers and chalk or chalkboard marker on the outside. View the full tutorial here.

7. Keep a calendar in sight

One of the most obvious yet commonly neglected items a well-organised person should have is the calendar. If you really want to organise your schedule and your life in general, you need to have a calendar in view so you can jot down important dates, meetings, tasks, goals, etc. You can either buy ready-made ones or choose among the many free printable calendars online.

8. Invest in space savers

Start by making your own peg board. This should take care of the smaller items that are always scattered around your tables. Another space-saving tip is to install bars on your bathroom door/s. It will serve as a place to hang your towels on without taking up precious wall space.

9. Assemble an emergency bag

You’ll never know when disaster might strike. It is for this reason that you must always have a “go bag” at home or an emergency drawer in the office where you can grab essential items quickly in case you need to flee the area. Being organised means having contingency plans and being prepared for anything.

10. Make your own bulletin board

Keep your documents, loose papers, and other important items on your very own bulletin board. That way, you’ll be keeping them all in one place and saving time on searching for them whenever you need to review something.

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