National Brokers Network

Top Tips to Avoid Holiday Stress


The end of another year is an exciting time, but it can also be a very stressful one in business. Business owners have a lot of things to worry about apart from the current state and performance of the company; they also need to juggle between work and the holidays.

If you see yourself in the same situation, we’ve got some advice for you. We’ll help put you in the right mindset to have a stress-free holiday season.

Know your priorities

This is perhaps the most important thing you have to remember during the holidays when there are so many things going on in your company and you’re getting party invitations left and right. You can’t say yes to everything. The sooner you accept this, the less stressed you would feel. Be selective when it comes to invitations you accept and at work, don’t take on too many tasks or new projects to add to your already hectic schedule.

Get organised

You don’t need the holidays to tell you it’s time to get organised because you ought to be organised all year ‘round anyway. But, it is particularly important to have all your affairs in order during the holidays because this is the time when your schedule is going to get crazy. If you aren’t careful, you might say yes to invitations you don’t have time for, or completely forget the appointments you have already set. To avoid overlapping events and feeling overwhelmed, get organised.

Celebrate the season

Don’t forget the reason for the season. It’s supposed to be a special time to be with the people you love and to feel peace and happiness. Take time to really enjoy the season and spread cheer, be it at home, at work, or out in the streets.

Follow your heart

The best thing you can give this holiday season is your heart. Share compassion and have empathy for others, be it a family member, a friend, an employee, or a customer. This will help you come up with ideas on how to make people feel appreciated and special. Doing good deeds for others will also help you stay stress-free.

Be kind

Instead of looking back on all the missed opportunities and wrong decisions you made throughout the year, be kind to yourself and have a grateful heart so you can look forward to all the great things you could accomplish in 2016. Don’t spend the holidays living with regret. Instead, take the lessons you’ve learned and carry them into the coming year ahead. Be kind to others, but don’t forget to be kind to yourself as well.

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