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Personal and household uses of baking soda

You probably have a box of baking soda somewhere at the back of your kitchen cupboard or chilling inside the fridge. But did you know that there are plenty of other uses for the multifunctional white stuff you thought you could only use for baking or for absorbing odors?

In fact, we know of several baking soda uses. Today, we’ll share with you a few.

  1. baking sodaAir freshener

Say goodbye to dank-smelling rooms by creating your own air freshener solution using baking soda. 


To make: you will need 2 cups of water mixed with 1 tablespoon baking soda. Finish it off with your favourite essential oil and there you have it – your own custom-made room spray.


  1. Carpet deodoriser

Got pets in the house? Then you know how foul-smelling your carpet could get after a few months, or even weeks without cleaning. Use baking soda as an affordable way to say goodbye to unpleasant smells. 


To make: Simply sprinkle baking soda on the affected area (or the entire rug should you so wish), and leave it there for an hour before sweeping it off with a vacuum cleaner.


  1. Produce cleaner

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You might be afraid of the amount of dirt and pesticides latched onto your new batch of fresh vegetables from the market, and you should be. Eliminate unwanted poisons from your veggies using baking soda. Here’s how.            


To make: Mix a cup of water, a cup of white or cider vinegar, two tablespoons of lemon, and one tablespoon of baking soda. Transfer the mix to a spray bottle and spray on vegetables (works well on fruits, too). Let it sit for about five minutes and rinse.


  1. After sun and bug bite spray

Going to the beach is one of the most relaxing activities ever, but the bug bites and sunburn that come after are not. Use baking soda to ease itch, swelling, and pain. It’s easy! 


To make: Mix baking soda with water to create a paste. Dab or spread on the affected part of the skin: instant relief!


  1. Oil spill cleaner

It can be anywhere from the garage floor to your favourite pair of jeans – no matter where the spill happened, baking soda has you covered. 


To make: Simply sprinkle baking soda on the stained part of the house or garment and allow it to help absorb the oil. Rinse.


  1. Revitalising face mask mixture

Has your face been feeling a little dry and drab lately? Try some baking soda to help regain that glow. 


To make: Mix one to two tablespoons of lemon juice with a bit of honey and one to two tablespoons of baking soda. Apply the mixture to your face and leave it on for around 15 minutes. Rinse off.


  1. Teeth cleaner

No toothpaste? No problem! Baking soda to the rescue. 


To make: Remember that paste you made for your bug bites or sunburn? It works just as well in cleaning your teeth. Spread on the paste on your toothbrush and brush away.


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