National Brokers Network

How to Get Started on Your Small Business Networking

At a glance, business networking is all about showing up and shaking hands — saying hello to newly introduced colleagues, acquaintances, and of friends who have the same interest as you, passing around business cards, and discussing what each person do for a living. But, it is not all about the glamour of meeting someone who is successful or is struggling.

Regarded as an effective way of building relationships and expanding your customer base, business networking is actually an art that is needed to be mastered by businesses. Being able to create a connection can make strong and lasting relationships. This strategy is perfectly compatible with the real estate industry, and here are ways on how to get started.

Social Media

There are platforms that are perfect for businesses to use as leverage to become visible. LinkedIn almost the same as the popular social media platform Facebook since LinkedIn also involves friend requests — in LinkedIn’s case is called connections—private messaging, a place to place information about yourself. The two social media platforms’ difference is that LinkedIn is a social network for professionals.

Whether you are looking for connections, a fresh graduate looking for a job, or marketing your business, LinkedIn is the place to be on the Internet, especially now that LinkedIn has more than 500 million users worldwide and 70 per cent of Fortune 500 CEOs choose it as their first and only social network.

Pictures Also Matter

Believe it or not, one of the reasons that draw in viewers to a profile is the profile or lead picture. With just a simple photo, it can already help viewers establish an opinion of you in a span of 1/10 seconds. That is why you should be able to choose photos that look professional and clean and should also accompany the description about you to remove unnecessary and negative impressions about you.

Attending Networking Events with a Strategy

Before going to an event or to meet new people, you should always be equipped with a strategy. It is important to understand what your prospect connections need or looking for in order to create a establish connection and explore greater opportunities. Not only that, being well-versed in your industry and what you want to establish can help in striking a conversation.

Truth be told, business networking is also considered as a lifeline for realtors. Building connections and relationships are their secrets in order to successfully provide what their clients are looking for. That is why business brokers melbourne should start in creating their presence online through social networking platforms, such as LinkedIn, choosing the right photos to show the world, and coming up with a strategy before attending real estate events.

Confidentiality Agreement

In Consideration of the Vendor of the subject business, or any other business introduced to the Proposed Purchaser and their agent National Brokers Network (“the agent”) providing information to the Prospective Purchaser, the Prospective Purchaser agrees:

1. To keep all information provided confidential in respect to the subject business and any other business introduced to the Prospective Purchaser by the Agent.
2. That no information is to be disclosed by the Prospective Purchaser to any third party without consent by the Agent;
3. That it will not use for themselves. Or for others benefit, such information other than to Purchase the subject business or other business introduced by the Agent;
4. That any agreement to purchase the whole or portion of the business shall be exclusively through the Agent;
5. To immediately return to the Agent all such information and other details in written form including any drawings and any copies made of written information, notes, summaries or extracts of any document therefor if any when requested by the Agent;
6. Under no circumstances will the Prospective Purchaser make direct contact with the vendor of the subject business or other introduced business without the prior written consent of the Agent;
7. If the Prospective Purchaser breaches this agreement or buys the business direct from the Vendor, the Prospective purchaser is liable to and indemnifies the Agent for any and all losses the agent may incur including economic loss and loss of income.v

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