National Brokers Network

How to create a personal gym at home

What’s your New Year’s resolution? If you are like majority of the population, your goal is to lead a healthier lifestyle and to become more fit. The key to a successful weight loss project is proper diet and exercise – both of which are perfectly doable at home.

If you have a problem with space on your property, check out these practical tips that will enable you to make room for and actually use your own personal gym at home.

1.Needs determination

Start by identifying what it is you truly need. It is important to be realistic, especially if you have limited space. For most people, having ample floor space for mat work is sufficient. Usually, there is no need to go all out and create an entire gym at home. It all depends on what you need and kind of exercises you are planning to do.

Start small and simple and work your way up from there. It is better to invest in a few choice pieces that you can use, than to splurge on so many fancy pieces of equipment that will only end up dusty and unused. Before you dedicate any of the rooms in your house to your personal gym, determine what your needs are first.

2.Choose and decorate according to your preference

Identify the best location for your home gym – somewhere you enjoy being in. Once you have chosen a spot, turn the space into your personal oasis. Make sure to incorporate colours you find inviting, play music that you like, and add scents you find pleasant so that working out will not feel like a chore and you will actually feel excited to stay in your home gym.

3.Find the right equipment to invest in

It is possible to get the most out of workouts done at home. All you need is the right equipment to get you started.

Some non-mechanic staples are:

  • Exercise mat
  • Dumbbells
  • Exercise balls 
  • Skipping rope

Cross trainers also provide the maximum and full workout experience. It is also a more practical investment than treadmills and exercise bikes.

4.Schedule exercise

If you are not consistent with exercise, you will not see results and you will not be able to maximise your home gym. Before anything else, you must come up with a workout plan you can actually stick to. The execution phase will be easier if you have a plan to follow.

Morning exercise is recommended as there are fewer distractions and it helps the body metabolise better.

5.Measure progress

Knowing how far you have gone since you started will definitely help boost your morale. This will help keep you going longer and would allow you to identify what else you can add and what you can do away with. Having just the right number and types of equipment will help you stay focused on your routine.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to change it up. Working out regularly can make you feel bored. You can avoid that by diversifying your exercises to accommodate new techniques into your workout.

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