As an entrepreneur, it’s important to build your network not just online, but offline as well.
There are many ways to create network with other entrepreneurs, but the most emerging way to do this is by becoming a so-called “digital nomad.”
So you might ask, “What is a digital nomad?” Well actually, it’s a buzzword that means someone who uses telecommunication and other technology to work remotely. Usually, that person makes a living (heh) by living in different places and conducts business either in coffee shops, libraries or even co-working spaces – hence the term, “digital nomad.”
Because they go out a lot and go to different locations, these digital nomads have the big opportunity to widen their entrepreneurial effort. But how do they do that exactly? If you’re an entrepreneur and wants to live the digital nomad lifestyle, read on and learn.
1. The Most Important Meal of The Day
What’s the most important meal of the day? Breakfast of course!
Breakfast is important because just like commercial property brokers in Victoria , this is where digital nomads often meet up and network with each other.
Breakfast restaurants are a good place to spot other entrepreneurs looking to expand their network so if you want to do the same, wake up and order a big hearty breakfast meal.
2. Be a Proactive
Be proactive and get involved. Networking means interacting with other people. Have you ever networked without even being proactive and talking to people?
Talk to other entrepreneurs and get involved with as many people as possible. The more people you interact with, the larger your network grows, which only means good news for your business.
3. Ask For Advice
Don’t be embarrassed to ask for some advice to other entrepreneurs who have been in the “game” longer than you.
These veteran digital nomads usually know everything that is needed to know and may pass some practical knowledge on to you.
However, take it with a caveat and learn to discern if it’s applicable to you. On the other hand, if you indeed found a certain tip to be useful, use it and thank them if it worked. They will appreciate the feedback and may even give you even more advice that could lead to better business.