National Brokers Network

Home Renovation Mistakes to avoid


Transforming your house into the dream home you’ve always wanted is a process that takes time, planning, and budgeting. It’s easy to get excited over a project of this magnitude that important details get overlooked and poor decisions are made in its stead. The next thing you know, you’re regretting plenty of the changes you made earlier.

Allow us to help you design, redecorate, or renovate your home with a guide on some common mistakes you need to stay away from.


There are two common budgeting mistakes in projects like this and those are:

Not having a set budget – renovations are costly, so being financially prepared for it is important. When setting a budget, make sure to be realistic and to stay within your means. It also helps to be specific about the changes or upgrades you want to implement so you can allocate budgets for each mini-task.

Sticking too close to or veering too far away from the budget – once you have a set budget, make sure to stay within it but don’t forget to leave room for a buffer in case there are additional repairs or investments worth making over the course of the project. Be mindful of the expenses as you go along so you can monitor how much you are spending without going overboard.



The top three design mistakes to be wary of are:

Blindly following trends – trends should only serve as guide, meaning following them is optional and not obligatory. Homeowners who blindly follow and adopt trends don’t pause to consider whether it is something that fits their requirements or even their home in general.

Letting small mistakes slide – small mistakes which are left ignored can pile on top of one another to create a big problem in the long run. Whether it’s just a design issue or a space-related one, it’s best to address them right away. Otherwise, the purpose of renovating is defeated.

Getting theme or character-specific with bedrooms – your child/children will not be toddlers forever. When redecorating their rooms, be careful not to go too theme or character-specific. Plan for your kid/s’ bedroom in such a way that it will be flexible and easy to adapt for when they start growing up and outgrowing their favourite cartoon characters.



When scouting for or having furniture made, be careful not to:

Buy without planning – before you even buy furniture, you need to ensure you have the space at home to accommodate them. It may be tempting to buy right away, especially if there are ongoing deals or discounts at the store, but without careful planning, this may lead to mismatched pieces and lack of foot traffic space at home.

Get something just because it looks good – some furniture may look good on their own, but once you have them, you realise it doesn’t really match any of the other pieces you already have or are planning to buy. When going furniture-shopping, buy according to your needs and requirements, not just based on aesthetics.

Be stingy with materials – you need to keep in mind that just because something is expensive, doesn’t mean it has high-quality. The same goes for inexpensive items. You need to keep a discerning eye when it comes to buying materials because you want to invest in quality which will not succumb to wear and tear easily. Whatever you buy, make sure they are worth the cost. After all, you get what you pay for.



The biggest, most common mistake homeowners make when it comes to home professionals is hiring the wrong people for the job. When scouting for a home professional, it is important to look for reviews, sample of work (portfolio), and chemistry. A homeowner should feel comfortable working with the home professional and feel confident that the person/people can fulfill the requirements for the job.

For more housing tips, call your preferred residential property broker Victoria and get valuable advice on home renovation and restoration projects.

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