What if there was a way for you to work less and earn more? Would you take it? Many people don’t know it, but passive income is possible and doable. Anyone who is interested and has enough determination t...
Property Management
These days, many people spend their lives stuck in a routine that has them focusing on their finances and struggling to pay off huge mortgages. For Distractify’s featured couple Andrew and Gabriella Morrison, it...
You might have read a lot of articles about residential property investment as many investors are more comfortable with investing in residential properties. Today, there’s been a drastic increase in the demand f...
Choosing the location for your business should be one of your priorities. It requires precise planning and research, as it involves checking the demographics, analysing your supply chain, allocation of your budget, sc...
In our previous posts, we have discussed some of the advantages of hiring a licensed real estate agent and how you secure your investment by keeping the important points and daily tasks out of your hands. Just like se...
With so many existing businesses sold by its owners, it is hard not to pass up the chance when you can. It is cheaper and faster to grow an existing business as opposed to starting a new one from scratch. A kind of bu...