National Brokers Network

5 Food Hacks for the Modern Homemaker

One of the most important places in a home is the kitchen. If you are an avid cook, a wannabe cook, or just someone who wants to spend more time in the kitchen, you could use some neat tricks to simplify your cooking experience and find simple solutions to seemingly-complex problems you encounter there.


This is for all you bacon lovers out there. To get that unique, even crisp that’s going to make you keep coming back for more, take those bacon slices and cook them in your waffle maker.



For a list of other things you can cook using your waffle iron, click here.

Brown Sugar

If you’ve ever had to contend with a solid brick of brown sugar, this one’s for you. Simply pop your brown sugar into the microwave next to a small glass of water, and it will come out nice and soft.



How many times have you baked heavenly brownies only to end up ruining perfection by slicing it the wrong way? If you want to get perfect brownie slices each and every single time, slice your baked creation with a pizza cutter.


Tired of your usual watery, non-dairy salad dressing? Make it thicker and creamier by blending it with a cut-up piece of bread in your food processor. Delicious!–Genius-Kitchen-Tricks-


How you store your tomatoes affects its shelf life. If you want them to last longer, store them stem-end down and out of the fridge. This prevents air from coming in, and moisture from coming out, thus helping them last longer.

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