National Brokers Network

Eight need to know facts in property investment


Investing in property is a big step towards many happy rewards. Here’s what you can expect out of a successful venture.

  1. Money is important, but it is not everything. With enough motivation and the right planning, you can invest in property even if you are not wealthy. It is an excellent way to secure your financial future.
  2. Investing in property is not high risk. As a matter of fact, it is one of the most trusted ways to build wealth. It is a safe investment, provided it is done correctly.
  3. Property investment promises continuous future returns and income from rentals, which is what true wealth is. Your investments in property will make you the owner of assets that will pay you for very a long time.
  4. There is great stability in investing in property compared to buying shares.
  5. With property investment, you can exercise control in all things. From the selection down to your exit strategy – you have full management power and control.
  6.  Property investment is a great way to minimise taxable income. It is safe, it is legal, and it lets you reclaim funds you can use to grow your property portfolio instead of it becoming tax money.
  7. It is relatively easy to borrow money from the bank for investing in property. If approved, you can be lent as much as 95 percent of the purchase property price. In addition, the interest rate is lower for property compared to other types of loans, PLUS the repayment period is longer.
  8. Investing in property requires patience because you will not become a millionaire from it overnight. Think of it as a long-term investment strategy.

Interested? A Melbourne business broker can assist you with your investment queries and get you the best deals in the real estate market depending on your needs and capability.

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In Consideration of the Vendor of the subject business, or any other business introduced to the Proposed Purchaser and their agent National Brokers Network (“the agent”) providing information to the Prospective Purchaser, the Prospective Purchaser agrees:

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