National Brokers Network

Australia and New Zealand Lead World in Sustainable Investments

Investing is not limited to business stocks, such as malls or even restaurants, or even short-term funds, there is also a socially-aware investment that focuses mainly on supporting environmentally-sensitive business ventures. Known as green investing or sustainable investments, it’s a social, ethical, mission-based investment that is screened according to the certain environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria as well as the personal and financial goals of investors.

It’s a lucrative option for investors looking for something different or bundled with a purpose. Sustainable investing assets have five major markets and it’s valued at $42.77 trillion in 2018, with Australia and New Zealand as the best market overall. The US Rocky Mountain Institute’s Todd Zeranski, the cause of growth is the riskiness that involves fossil fuel investments and how expensive it is, which is due to regulatory penalties and the cost of climate clean-up.

The Global Sustainable Investment Review 2018 revealed that the five regions — namely, Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, and Japan — have sustainability investing ranges that are from Australia and New Zealand’s 63 per cent to Japan’s 18 per cent. According to the review, Japan is leading with 307 per cent growth during 2016-2018 while Australia and New Zealand got 46 per cent growth in the same duration.

“Responsible investment now commands a sizable share of professionally managed assets in each region, ranging from 18 per cent in Japan to 63 per cent in Australia and New Zealand. Clearly, sustainable investing constitutes a major force across global financial markets,” according to the report conducted by the Global Sustainable Investment Alliance.

“From 2016 to 2018, the fastest growing region has been Japan, followed by Australia/New Zealand and Canada. These were also the three fastest growing regions in the previous two-year period. The largest three regions—based on the value of their sustainable investing assets—were Europe, the United States and Japan.”

After the signing of the Paris Agreement in 2015, which is an agreement to combat climate change and come up with strategies for a sustainable low carbon future, there were more investment opportunities in both Australia and New Zealand. According to the Green Infrastructure Investment Opportunities research done by Climate Bonds, it shows there are more than 400 green projects — 360 in Australia and 62 in New Zealand — that are in need of refinancing and financing in the years to come, opening more opportunities for investors to search for green investments they could along with their personal and financial goals.

Looking for a project to finance is the first step in getting involved in investing. National Brokers Network makes it convenient for both veterans and beginners to choose Australia investment properties for we offer a list of properties available along with respective brokers willing to reach out a helping hand. Visit our website at to find out more about these investments.

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