National Brokers Network

House Precautions When Leaving for Spring Break


Vacations are all about relaxing and taking a break from the usual day-to-day routine. But as a homeowner, you cannot relax if your house is not secure.

Too often, people who are planning vacations get too caught up in the excitement that they fail to secure their homes and set preventive measures to protect it against trespassers and burglars. 

The following home security tips will help homeowners have greater peace of mind on their next vacation.

  1. Use social media sparingly. 

Facebook’s “check in” feature is fun to use, but it also lets people know you’re not at home. Giving specific details about your whereabouts opens up an opportunity for criminals to pay your house a visit, confirm you’re not at home, and proceed to break in. 

  1. Ask a family member, friend, or neighbour to look after the property. 

If you’ll be gone for an extended period of time, you will need someone to check on the house, collect the mail, and possibly mow your lawn. Make sure to ask someone you trust implicitly to do the job. 

You would also need to leave any pet/s with someone you can depend on to care for it. 

  1. Check lighting (indoors and outdoors). 

Replace bulbs that are no longer working, and invest in automatic timers which will set off your lights and switch them on at different hours in different parts of your property. Doing this will give the impression that there is someone at home at all times. 

  1. Hide valuables. 

Jewellery, artwork, and other valuables must be hidden from plain view. When hiding them, choose inconspicuous hiding places like old cereal boxes, or somewhere on the property no one would suspect contains precious items. 

  1. Take photos. 

Taking photos of each room in the house is a great way to do a quick inventory and keep a record of everything before you leave. This will make it easier to check if something has gone missing upon your return. 

National Brokers Network Business Brokers Victoria provides handy tips, advice, and resources for homeowners in maintaining their homes and keeping their market values profitable. Are you looking for a home? Check out the list of residential properties up for sale or contact us below:


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