National Brokers Network

3 Tips on how to appreciate your employees this Labour Day


Labor Day has long been established as a holiday for workers from different parts of the globe. It stands as an important symbol of change as it forever revolutionised the relationship between employer and employee. 

Managers can make everyday be commemorative of Labor Day by constantly celebrating their relationships with their employees. Here are some ideas:

Free food

Employees love it when they get perks from their jobs. There are many, many ways to incentivise workers, but one of the easiest, simplest, and most affordable ones is by offering free food. It is a great way to show appreciation to workers for their contribution to the company.

Spot bonuses

Spot bonuses are rewards given to employees on the spot for their achievements deserving of recognition. The immediate supervisor or any higher level individual could give these out in an organisation. Since these do not have to be huge amounts, companies are able to save money and reward employees at the same time.

Personal notes

Contrary to popular belief, money does not always drive motivation. Granted, employees feel demoralised when they are underpaid, but that is not the only thing that makes them feel demotivated. The lack of any sort of connection or relationship with higher-ups can oftentimes make employees feel ignored and unnecessary. Personal notes are a great way to change that sort of perception. They are a simple, yet inspirational and motivating rewards solution that also strengthens the relationship with management.

Labor Day does not have to be felt in the workplace only once a year. By celebrating employees day in and day out, companies can honour workers and make them feel valued and appreciated at work.


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