National Brokers Network

2016 Residential Colour Trends for Home Renovation


Thinking about redecorating next year? Perhaps you have some renovations or a new residential property purchase underway. If you’re interested in getting some design tips for 2016, we’ve got you covered.

These are the basic colour trends expected for next year.

–          The Dunn-Edwards 2016 Color+Design report states strong and darker mid tones, along with subdued neutrals (clay, mauve, fig), and milky pastels (fleshy pinks) will make up 2016’s home decorating colour palette. 

***This is in contrast with 2015’s palette which included deep jewel tones. 

–          The report also suggests that clean whites are here to stay and will continue to be a home decorator’s favourite. 

–          Floral colours and patterns will be dominant next year.

Based on a consensus in the design community, paint manufacturers release colour palettes annually. The colours reflect what’s happening in the world. According to the Dunn-Edwards report, there will be greater fascination with Asia in 2016 due to the upcoming Olympics in South Korea and Japan. Travel, digital artwork, and introspection all form part of the inspiration for the 2016 predictions.

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